3- 2 - 1 Prepare to Launch!

3-2-1 Prepare To Launch

All my life I have been passionate about mental health and emotional wellbeing. Each year as the stigma around mental health reduces that little bit more, my heart is encouraged. However, as a senior accredited psychotherapist I hold a little “awkwardness” about my professions brand. Counselling still has so many stereotypes surrounding it. Be that it is a middle-class, middle-aged activity, with a woman who wears a twinset and pearls or that the counsellor will repeat back the last sentence you said. There has been a longing within me the counselling would “get with the times”.

I felt a strong need to make what I do current, modern and accessible. So many clients that I see still feel embarrassed having to seek the services of a counsellor, feeling they somehow failed at dealing with stuff on their own. I often hear how people feel asking for help is a sign of weakness.

My inspiration for Brain Train Me was spared at the Mindful Living Expo in March 2018. A weekend full of wonderful speakers workshops, stalls and more. I listen with awe to Monica from Spinich Retreats talk about her goal to be a world leader at delivering wellness retreats and how she made this happen, creating a decent profit margin at the same time.  A lot of the work in the counselling and wellbeing industry can be apologetic about charging a fee. Those drawn to the industry often have a passion for supporting people to thrive. Charging money can seem counterintuitive or to dilute the therapeutic alliance, despite it being a business.

One of my favourite stores at the Expo is Mantra Jewellery. Last year I bought a necklace that says “Body & Mind” It was right after I had finished my first half marathon, this mantra had never rang truer. This year I bought a silver necklace, with a small dream catcher as the pendant, signifying the dreamer. As I had just started dreaming about the inception Brain Train Me, it seemed pertinent. Signs from the universe about the power of positive thought forms seemed all too coincidental.

With my dreamer necklace on, I allowed myself the luxury to wonder, be open to possibilities and welcome curiosity. One afternoon soon after, I settle down to read Psychologies magazine. It took me an age to get through it as I kept stopping and looking at websites mentioned or ordering a book that was reviewed,  or carrying out one of the surveys. With my wonder antanea up, I read with interest a focus piece about an entrepreneur, Lydia Drzewiecka ,who set up a marketing agency, Visuable, to create brands with personality that  told personal stories. I was struck by Lidia’s own story of creating success, I booked a free consultation. Talking to Lydia over Skype, I felt an instant connection. I was flattered that she thought my business idea was a goer. My instinct told me she was a good person to work with and who am I to go against gut feeling?

Working with Visuable to create Brain Train Me was an experience like no other. It catapulted me from the daydreaming stage to making my business idea a firm reality. The whole process was a huge learning curve for me. I learnt about the passion that drove my vision, my mission and values. I learnt about the design process. I learnt about various bits of technology design to make running a business easier. The way in which Brain Train Me evolved was so fascinating, I would never have been able to create such a beautiful logo or figure out a signature colour palette on my own.

Being middle aged, I noticed that despite my best effort’s to remain current, the way I operate within the world, the way I see the world can’t help but be different to younger generations. Not wanting to get stuck in my ways, I am at times unaware of what is current. If I asked you what the latest youth slang words were, would you know? Unless you are exposed to a teenage world, it is unlikely.  Up until now I have never been exposed to this creative design world. Working with Lidia and one of her designers, Inka, gave me a youthful rush. I was well and truly out of my comfort zone, living my motto of “do one thing every day that scares you”. The step-by-step process created a real momentum that lead up to launch day. Trying to achieve this on my own would’ve taken painstaking years instead of weeks.

As a psychotherapist I listen to people stories every day. I immerse myself into others worlds for a short time, trying hard to understand what life must be like for them. The re-branding required more of my story, which at times was uncomfortable and exposing. However, I am hoping that my story will prove to be motivating and inspiring, even if just to one person. The whole launching of Brain Train Me just adds to my evidence that if you have a dream, are dedicated, passionate, prepared to work for it and surround yourself with the right positive people, it is possible.

Never stop dreaming and never stop believing you can achieve your dreams.